Refund Policy
Last Updated January 28, 2020
Formula Revealed offers many different products, courses and services to our students each of which have their own refund policies. Some purchases come with a NO REFUND while other products carry a 30 day or 60 day money back guarantee.

Any product sold by or on behalf of Formula Revealed will have CLEARLY on any sales material the refund policy along with a link to this page prior to purchasing. All order forms and checkout forms will also clearly indicate our refund policies and link to this page here for further reference.

Below are listed the current offerings from Formula Revealed along with their respective refund period:

8 Figure Funnel Formula Book – This product has a 30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee.

8 Figure Traffic Secrets – This product has a 30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee.

How to Request A Refund
If you feel inclined to request a refund for any of the products listed above, please send an email to along with proof of purchase (i.e. confirmation email, bank statement, receipt, etc.). We will respond to your request within 48-72 hours.
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